------------=======------------- Available Commands -------------=======-------------

%hide                                            < To hide the application
%show                                          <To showup the application
%txt [texts]                                    <To show any text on display of pc
%txthide                                        <To hide the display text from pc
Media Controls --                          < %pop , %stop, %mmute ,%kprev , %knxt
Ro                                                     om Options -   %en [rmname] , %lv , %stxt [text]
%goto [www.link.com]                  <ex:like this , You can goto any link on pc
%cdopen , %cdcls                         <ROM drive options
%makeAdmin [username]              < To change ownership
%home                                         <extract the home link with default browser
%type [text]                                  < to press following text keys like a,s,d,f, Example :- %type LoLZzZ
%wincls                                        <Closes current window   [If option available for the window form]
%kalt                                            <alt key
%ktab                                           <tab key
%actwin                                        <You can get the current window name on your phone
%kright,%kleft,%kup,%kdown     <keyboard navigations
%vol+  , %vol-                             <Volume Controlling Options
%media                                        <Lunches the windows media player
%mlc                                            <mouse left click
%mrc                                           <mouse left click
%mlft                                           <keep coursor moving to left
%mlfts                                          <stop coursor moving to left
%mr8                                           <Keep coursor moving to Right
%mr8s                                         <stop coursor moving to Right
%mup                                          <Keep coursor moving to up
%mups                                         <stop coursor moving to up
%mdwn                                        <Keep coursor moving to up
%mdwns                                      <stop coursor moving to up
%mmup                                       <moves coursor to up for a little space
%mmr8                                        <moves coursor to Right for a little space
%mmdwn                                     <moves coursor to down for a little space
%mmlft                                         <moves coursor to Left for a little space
%kctrl                                           <Press the ctrl key
%kesc                                          <Press the ESC key
%kpgup                                        <Press the PAGE UP key
%kpgdown                                   <Press the Page Down Key
%ksnap                                         <Press the Snap key
%kmail                                          <Press the Back key
%kbck                                          <Press the Mail key
%kdel                                           <Press the Delete key key
%f1  to %f12                                <Press the function keys F1,F2,F3
%logoff                                         <Logs off your computer
%rb                                               <Restart Your computer
%y   ,  %n                                     <Accept ownership of the bot or Reject For ownership


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